On May 18, 2018, The South Eastern Virginia Filipino-American Lions Club was chartered. On June 23, we held our Charter Night at the Holiday Inn, Virginia Beach, when all officers and members were inducted. Witnessed by about a hundred of our families and friends in the community, it was festive and celebratory! This was achieved through the support of Guiding Lion Dr. John Watters, President of the Thalia Lions Club.

Pictures from R – L. Pablo Mathias Ramona, New Club Development Consultant from New York. Dr. John Watters and PCC Lion J. Stanley Furman. Lion Dr. John Watters, Dr. Juan Montero, Secretary Nancy Watters, Thalia Lions and Secretary Guia Caliwagan, SEVA Fil-Am Lions.

The seed of the formation of this club originated from PDG Lion Beth Stevens who challenged the Thalia Lions Club to form a specialty club within our district. She appointed Lion John as the Guiding Lion of whoever they find. Lion John then called Dr. Juan Montero who he met through the Eye Bank, to pitch the idea of forming a Lion’s club. Dr. Montero agreed that forming a Fil-Am Lions Club was a good idea, who then proceeded to talk to some community leaders, looking for someone who would buy into the idea and serve as the charter president. He talked to several folks for sometime and he shared with me at one point that he could not find anyone, who will take on this responsibility. If anyone knows Dr. Montero, he does not give up easily on ideas he believed in. He persisted in his quest until he found folks who agreed that we need to form a Lion’s club. His persistence was rewarded when some agreed to attend an informational meeting on Jan and February 6, 2018 at Susan’s Kitchenette where Lion John presented information about the Lions Club International. Lion John Watters, who would become our Guiding Lion facilitated the video presentation, after which a dialogue ensued. In attendance were District Governor Lion Beth Stevens, Lion Mack Stevens, Lion Nancy Watters, Dr. Juan Montero, Dr. Rey and wife Elma Pascual, Vince Medina, his son, Michael Medina, and a few other people. Those present expressed eagerness to form a Filipino-American Lions Club in the area but felt they needed to learn more about Lions International Club (LCI). Fortunately, at one gala event this month, Dr. Montero met a nurse leader, to whom he pitched the idea of joining the Lions Club, who would become the Charter President. As I stood there watching Doctor Montero make his pitch, we both realized we found the individual we can nominate for charter president. He did ask if I would nominate her and I agreed.

The next meeting was held at the Kempsville Diner on March 12, 2018, with Pablo Mathias Romano as the guest speaker. As the New Club Development Consultant at LCI, he explained more about the work of LCI and by the time it was over, it was snowing heavily. The attendees were Dr. Vianmar and Florie Pascual, Ruby Espino and her son David Espino, Dr. Rey and Elma Pascual, Hilo Laxa and PCC Lion J. Stanley Furman. This was followed by a meeting on March 24, when Thalia Lions Club hosted another meeting held at Susan’s Kitchenette which ended with all the invitees deciding to join and agreed to recruit more members. At this meeting were Guia Caliwagan, Ernie and Nita Guarin, Dr. Rey and Elma Pascual, Ben Hur Solaria, Dr. Juan Montero, Ruby Espino and son David Espino, Helen Jamias, and a few others. With our Guiding Lion John presiding, he explained the process of forming a specialty charter Lions club. We elected our officers and as they say the rest is history. Once, the club got established, the members invited their friends to join and by June 23, the club had 32 charter members. We cannot thank enough Lions John and Nancy Watters for guiding us and directing our way and PDG Beth Stevens for seeding the idea! We owe Dr. Juan Montero a debt of gratitude for inspiring us along the way!

During our first year, we chose Recycling Eyeglasses and Distribution as our signature project. Our members volunteered at the Chesapeake Eyeglasses Recycling Center every second Saturday of the month to clean, categorize and grade the glasses. This project extends to the Philippines with some members bringing glasses to far flung areas for free distribution. Oftentimes, the distribution is part of Health Screening or Health Fair. Domestically, we collect glasses to be recycled. Collection boxes were placed in various business locations. Our other local projects include partnership with Anthem through an LCI grant for our “Prepping Meals for Seniors in Fresh Produce Food Desert'', where we instructed seniors on fresh produce and protein meals and provided them with starter recipes as well as ingredients. The participants also received safe kitchen utensils for their kitchens. The Service Committee members also bring donations of basic needs of children and youth and Christmas presents to children of incarcerated parents at Seton Youth Shelters.

In our second year, under the leadership of President the club, Lion Dr. Rey Pascual, the club continued with Recycling Eyeglasses and Distribution in the Philippines. Ben Tendilla, Dr. Paragas, Dr. Ely Ignacio, Dr. Carmen Roaquin and Guia Caliwagan, distributed eyeglasses in various parts of the Philippines, with over 5,000 glasses distributed for free this year. Also, this year, the club partnered with Gawad Kalinga’s “Kusina Ng Kalinga'' (Care Kitchens) that feed school-age children in poor communities in the Philippines and Montero Medical Missions that provide medical, dental, and sight missions all over the Philippines. Locally, the Service Committee members continued donation to Seton Youth Shelters and added Genevie Shelter and Manchville Shelter to whom we donated non-perishable items and adopted a student who received school backpack and supplies. At Christmas, we supported “Secret Santa'' for the three shelters. Some members volunteered their time in stuffing Christmas stockings for the Salvation Army and volunteered for the Toys for Tots in Norfolk. In addition, the club participated in the many Service Activities such as Community Health Fair at Philippine Cultural Center on Feb 16, 2019, Vision Walk, July 4, Fil-Am Friendship Day and Community Diabetes Awareness Event sponsored by Sentara Medical Group on Nov 2. The club conducted its own Diabetes Screening and Lecture by Diabetic Educator Arnel Rodriguez.

One of our projects is the Legacy Garden located at the MacArthur Memorial Research Center. The club hosted the celebrations of the Anniversaries of General MacArthur Return to the Philippines on October 20, 2018 and 2019. Don’t miss visiting the garden.

The third year, with Vince Medina as Club President, Covid-19 pandemic hit our communities, disrupting our activities. However, we continued to donate pandemic needs, such as gloves, sanitizers, masks, thermometers and other needs to Genevie shelter as requested. We resumed our in-person monthly meeting on May 28, with proper masking and social distancing of members. We invite members who will share in our community services and meet like-minded, awesome friends! You will be proud to be part of the work of LCI around the world and SEVA Fil-Am Lions Club locally and globally!

A special activity is coming on October 29 - 30, 9pm EST. It is the Our LADY of GUADALUPE MUSICAL. This is a miracle story of Our Lady performed by highly talented Filipino artists and performers in broadway-like tradition. We invite you to reserve your E-tickets by calling Vince Medina (757) 652-9953.

On November 21, 2020, the club will have our Gala Dinner Dance at the Crowne Plaza, Virginia Beach. We warmly invite you and your friends to this Induction of New Officers and Members. It is a tradition we have started since charter night and we promise a roaring and enjoyable night of food and camaraderie among community-invested folks of our time and place.

